Booking a training course with us: simple steps

Whatever your particular requirements, Ecospill has the right training package for you. Places are currently available for several of our courses and it’s easy to book your place. Simply visit our training hub and follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the Courses’ link at the top right of the page to view our available training programmes.
  2. Alternatively, you can select the programme you wish to book from the ‘Courses’ drop-down menu.
  3. On the Courses page, click ‘Read more’ on the course you wish to book.
  4. Scroll down and hit the ‘Book now’ button.
  5. Select your preferred date and time for the course, as well as the number of attendees.
  6. Check and agree to the terms and conditions.
  7. Double check everything is correct before proceeding to check out.

Once that’s done, you’ll receive a confirmation email from us with all the relevant information – we hope you enjoy our courses. In the meantime, if you would like more information about booking places with the Ecospill Training Hub, call 01709 542 259 or email